Having an effective oral health care routine involves more than just brushing the teeth and keeping them clean since the mouth has more than just teeth, proper care needs to be taken to ensure that every part of it is given adequate importance. The following are a few suggestions that can help you in developing necessary Habits for a Highly Effective Oral Health Care Regimen:
- Analysing Essentials of Personal Oral Health
Being aware of any changes in oral health conditions such as bad breath, sensitive teeth, the emergence of cyst in mouth etc, and seek expert help when uncertain without delay or hesitation, as procrastinating or ignoring such symptoms can result in worsening the condition beyond help.
- Designing an Oral Health Care Routine and Following it
It is essential to habituate yourself to the routine that you have devised with your oral health care provider and ensure all subsequent tasks involving maintenance of oral hygiene are followed without foregoing any procedure on a constant basis until achieving necessary conclusion or when incurring changes during a future consultation.
- Fluoride’s role in Oral Health Care routine for both Young and Old
Fluoride plays an essential role in oral health care regardless of differences in age, it helps strengthen growing teeth among young while preventing tooth decay among elders. Its benefits vary in accordance with quantity used, however, it’s important to understand that too much of fluoride can be harmful, thus it is recommended to consult your dentist on the amount needed. Toothpaste and mouthwash contain fluoride per se, but drinking water likewise is added with a minor amount, but if you are unsure about the quantity or think it’s missing it is suggested to inquire your water supplier.
- Requisite for Sustaining Oral Hygiene – Periodic Brushing, Flossing and Rinsing
It is ideal to brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss once a day to sustain minimum oral hygiene. However, if you are planning to maintain your set of teeth until you see your great grandkids then a lot more effort is necessary. The best method is to brush your teeth after every meal as it removes any food residues stuck to your teeth, timely flossing can help remove the hard to reach particles while rinsing with a mouthwash every so often can keep your breath fresh and avoid accumulation of unpleasant odour in your mouth. Meticulous care in upkeeping oral hygiene can help prevent gum diseases, plaque, tooth decay, and a host of different periodontal diseases which may inhibit you from enjoying your favourite dish just because it’s too hard for your teeth to bite.
- Well Balanced Diet Regimen with Snack Restrictions
Just like any other organ in the human body the teeth have a set of food products which are beneficial to it such as dairy products which are high in calcium, bananas which are high in potassium, vegetables filled with vitamins and finally fruits with a lower in sugar content. Food products that could jeopardize your oral health regimen are mostly high in sugar and starch content, these easily stick to your teeth and turn into acids that rapidly cause tooth decay. Thus, brushing and rinsing after a dose of such goodies is mandatory.
- Abstaining use of Tobacco and Related Products
Consuming tobacco or related products significantly harms your oral health, the most visible damage is discolouring of teeth, however, this damage is superficial in comparison to a host of underlying problem tobacco causes within your mouth and body. Prolonged use of tobacco increases your chances of succumbing to oral cancer, gum disease, bad breath and several diseases with varying levels of severity from minor to fatal.
- Checking Oral Hygiene on a regular interval
It’s always a good habit to watch your mouth, not in a literal sense but in an actual sense. Whenever brushing, flossing or rinsing take some time to observe your oral health, familiarize yourself with it so you can take action whenever an abnormality is detected. A minor ulcer can be prevented from turning into a cancer tumour if detected early. Consult your dentist whenever in doubt or when you detect an anomaly.
- Showing Up for a Dental Appointment Every So Often
Health providers recommend you check your eyes every year at least once when you wear an optical, but oral health should be checked at least once every quarter of a year, this requirement is essential without any barrier of age. Our diet has undergone a phenomenal change when compared to what it was a few decades ago, even the food we consume has undergone multiple chemical treatments, thus our mouth as the channel where everything starts sustains the most harm. Although the damage can be controlled using effective oral health measures it’s still vital to get an expert’s advice every so often to avoid a future complication.
- Reaching a Consensus with your Dentist
Forming a consensus with your dentist is essential in a long term treatment plan for you and your family. Constant care is never harmful if it can help avoid future complications. Consulting the dentist about your oral health condition and any necessary procedures involved with it should be carried without hesitation. Ignoring and procrastinating won’t reduce the treatment cost rather it may possibly lead to a rise in cost and degree of complexity of treatment.
Your dentist can help ease your worries regarding all your oral health concerns and following the steps above can assist you in preserving your smile with all teeth intact for a long time to come, but if you are still having trouble making decisions feel free to fix an appointment with us at V.V Dental Implants Hospital, we are happy to provide you aid.